An Unforgettable Anniversary

Where were YOU on May 18, 1980? I was at home in Hauser Lake, Idaho, building a pig pen. I noticed what appeared to be a big thunderstorm moving in from the west. But by midday, it got dark enough that the street light on the road by my house turned on. I remembered hearing daily news briefs about Mt. St. Helens' recent stirrings.

I said aloud, "I wonder if she finally blew her top?"

I ran into the house and turned on the television. Sure enough, she had. The next week turned into a surreal experience that lived with me for decades. I've written a short story about it, which will appear in an upcoming memoir. Stay tuned!

#mtsthelens #volcano #blastfromthepast

Photo by Richard Lasher, May 18, 1980

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Michael J Wamsley
9 months ago

I was on Military duty on Ft. Lewis the morning the Mountain blew!!!! I still have newspapers, Post cards, Ash, a Washington State government memo, from that time!!

S. G. Benson
9 months ago

That's one of those life events we'll always remember. My collection includes most of that, too. Thanks for responding!