For much of this month I’ve been fighting the blues as I stew about the state of my country and the world. The famous serenity prayer reminds me to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. A wise woman (my mother) often said, “nothing lasts forever.” I know that is true, but sometimes “not forever” seems like a very long time.
Last week I began consciously seeking bits of joy to regain some serenity. To my astonishment, I easily found some. Our grandson called us on the eve of his twelfth birthday, not just to thank us for a birthday gift, but to share stories about his life in South Dakota and tell us he loves us. His other grandma said the call was his idea, not hers. It truly made our day.
Last Friday evening, I substitute-hosted our local monthly Open Mic event. A dozen storytellers, musicians, poets, and writers regaled an enthusiastic audience with a creative array of top-notch entertainment. I hope everyone left that evening with the same glow of pleasure that I did.
The sun shines brightly this morning, bringing out the last of the fall colors on the not-quite-bare hardwoods outside my window. We put the garden to bed a month ago, all except for two large pots containing three green pepper plants. I covered them during two frosty October nights, but it’s been unseasonably warm since, and I am looking forward to harvesting a second crop this coming Wednesday before the first hard freeze. That’s never happened to me before in over half a century of gardening. I could bemoan the warming climate, or rejoice in fresh salsa. My choice.
Is the glass half empty or half full? Either way, there is room for more. I will try to fill it with as much joy as I can.
Take care, be strong, find some bits of joy.
#findingjoy #serenity #nothinglastsforever
Photo by Susan Wyman
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